法国画家雷蒙·饶可让《重回中国》画展1996年12月10日至16日在北京古老画廊举行。饶可让曾于1987年在中国美术馆举办了大型绘画回顾展。此次应西安美术学院邀请来华访问,在这个展览之前,先在西安讲学并办展。 饶可让1920年生于法国布尔高涅,后移居巴黎。1938年毕业于夏隆工艺美术学院机械工程设计专业。1954年正式走向绘画生涯。饶可让是西方当代画坛一位孤独的艺术探索者,不属于任何流派。他既不追随他人,也不重
The French painter Raymond Rao allows the “Back to China” exhibition to be held in the ancient gallery in Beijing from December 10 to December 16, 1996. Rao may have been in 1987 in China Art Museum held a large retrospective of paintings. This time, Xi’an Art Academy invited to visit China. Before this exhibition, I first gave lectures in Xi’an and started the exhibition. Rao allowed Born in 1920 in Bourgogne, then moved to Paris. 1938 graduated from the Sharon Institute of Arts and Design mechanical engineering design. 1954 formally went to painting career. Rao let is a solitary art explorer in the Western Contemporary Art Forum, and does not belong to any genre. He does not follow anyone, neither