为预防雷电及瞬态过电压对电子设备的危害 ,本文就瞬态过电压的起因 ,瞬态过电压和雷电在电子设备上引发的干扰、衰变、损坏和故障停机 ,损坏的物理途径 ,以及对雷电和瞬态过电压的防护等问题进行了介绍和分析。最后就瞬态过电压防护装置问题进行了讨论
In order to prevent lightning and transient over-voltage damage to electronic equipment, this paper on the causes of transient over-voltage, transient over-voltage and lightning induced electronic devices, decay, damage and failure downtime, the physical damage, and The lightning and transient over-voltage protection and other issues were introduced and analyzed. Finally, the transient overvoltage protection device is discussed