Skimmer works directly affect the normal production of the blast furnace. I plant from 1969 has been using manual ramming carbon skimmer. Use this skimmer, once each iron, put a small iron shaft, at the same time with mud and river sand repair time, to repair three times a week. Sometimes due to skimmer did not roast dry caused by fire; or ramming false real easily washed down. Ramming carbon skimmer is not only labor-intensive, poor working conditions, but also very unsafe. Skimmer accidents often affect the normal iron. July 5, 1985 I plant the use of No. 1 blast furnace maintenance opportunities, with self-baking charcoal brick repair skimmer. After several small well iron hot water test, the liner was completely intact, and the liner was still intact after two months of use. Due to good effect, to promote the use of blast furnace 2,3,4, has been nearly a year. 1. Self-baking carbon brick and binder material see (Table 1, Table 2)