Organic and biochemists’ strategies of fighting nature have always been based solely on their own observations and inferences, and since the discovery and use of isotopes, there has been a credible intelligence officer. The purpose of this article is to briefly describe how the intelligence officer Transforming into exactly the same group of molecules that it is to be mixed in, that is, how to prepare tracer elements into a variety of labeled organic compounds. As to how to use these informants to detect military forces, such as organic chemistry, biochemical metabolism , Agriculture, medicine, mining and other areas of confidentiality, each with a book introduction, this article does not intend to be involved. This article addresses how the isotopes of carbon and hydrogen, the most basic of organic compounds (A), and their starting materials are produced; (B) How to turn these starting materials into labeled organic compounds; (C) How to purify the prepared Compound and prove that it is indeed the kind of molecular structure required.