
来源 :古脊椎动物学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thriving_hehe
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记述了兰州盆地新发现的三种爪兽化石:Schizotheriumordosium,Phyllotillonhuangheensissp.nov.和Chalicotheriinae亚科未定属种的一类。在咸水河组下段南坡坪地方动物群(早渐新世晚期)中发现S.ordosium。这个种的材料较多,其中有保存完好的下颌吻部。这使我们第一次了解了这个属的吻部的构造:吻部很长、具大的铲形下门齿和双叶形的下犬齿.在咸水河组中段(早中新世)张家坪地方动物群中发现了Phyllotillonhuangheensis和Chalicotheriinaegen.etsp.indet。前者比巴基斯坦Bugti层中的P.naricus个体稍小,形态上也更原始些。这可能表明,张家坪地方动物群在时代上比Bngti稍早。后一类爪兽的性质还不很清楚,但Chalicotheriinae亚科在我国早中新世的出现则无疑义。 Described three newly discovered claw fossils in the Lanzhou basin: Schizotheriumordosium, Phyllotillonhuangheensissp. nov And Chalicotheriinae subfamily unspecified species. S. ordosium was found in the Nanpoping fauna (late Oligocene) in the lower Xianshuihe Formation. This species of material more, including the well-preserved jaw snout. This made us the first time to understand the structure of the snout of this genus: the snout is very long, with large spatulate lower incisors and double-leafed lower canines. Phyllotillonhuangheensis and Chalicotheriinaegen were found in the Zhangjiaping local fauna in the middle segment of the Xiushuihe Formation (Early Miocene). etsp. indet. The former is smaller and morphologically more primitive than P. naricus in the Bugti layer of Pakistan. This may indicate that the Zhangjiaping local fauna earlier in time than Bngti. The nature of the latter claw is not well understood, but the emergence of the subfamily Chalicotheriinae in our country during the Early Miocene is of no doubt.