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据测配料栽培的黑木耳营养价值比段木栽培的高,而且不附有泥沙和朽木碎屑,食用方便。特别是用棉子皮生产的黑木耳营养价值较为突出,其栽培要点如下: 1 配料和装袋 配方为棉子皮90%,玉米面8%,蔗糖1%,石膏1%。料拌好后装入聚丙烯塑料袋中,袋的规格为35×17cm,用普通蒸锅常压灭菌,可用0.03~0.04mm厚的聚丙烯塑料袋,若用高压锅灭菌,则必须用0.06mm厚的塑料袋。随装料随用手稍加压实,料面要平整,中间用圆木棒从上至下扎一直径2cm左右的通气孔。在袋口外加套直径为3.5cm、宽3cm的普通塑料环,并将塑料袋口外翻,形成象瓶子口一样的袋口,袋口加棉塞,并用牛皮纸包扎,立即灭菌。 2 接种与发菌 每袋接种量为5~6g,使菌种占据袋内表面一薄层;然后按原样仍把袋口包扎好。置室内发菌,前期20天室温以保持20~22℃为好,20天后室温可控制在23~24℃。发现有杂菌污染(主要是青霉、绿色木霉和黑曲霉),要及时处理。污染轻微的杂菌斑,可用注射器慢慢注入30%的氢氧化钠;污染较重的,用刀片在污染处切开塑料袋,用镊子将杂菌取 It is estimated that the nutritional value of black fungus cultivated than the high segment cultivation, and without sediment and rotten wood debris, easy to eat. Especially the black fungus with cotton seed skin nutritional value is more prominent, the main points of its cultivation are as follows: 1 ingredients and bagging formula for the 90% cotton seed, cornmeal 8%, 1% sucrose, gypsum 1%. Mix well into the polypropylene plastic bag, the bag size is 35 × 17cm, with ordinary steamer atmospheric sterilization, available 0.03 ~ 0.04mm thick polypropylene plastic bag, if the autoclave sterilization, you must use 0.06mm thick plastic bag. With the load a little compaction with the hand, the material surface to be flat, with a round stick in the middle bar from top to bottom diameter of about 2cm vent. In the bag outside diameter 3.5cm, width 3cm ordinary plastic ring, and the plastic bag valgus to form the mouth like the mouth of the bag, bag mouth plus tampons, and wrapped with kraft paper, and immediately sterilized. 2 inoculation and hair bacteria per bag inoculation amount of 5 ~ 6g, so that bacteria occupy a thin layer of the inner surface of the bag; Set indoor germs, pre-20 days at room temperature to maintain 20 ~ 22 ℃ is good, 20 days at room temperature can be controlled at 23 ~ 24 ℃. Bacteria contamination (mainly Penicillium, Trichoderma viride and Aspergillus niger) was found and treated promptly. Minor contamination of the plaque, the syringe can be slowly injected 30% sodium hydroxide; pollution is heavy, cut the plastic bag with a blade in the contamination, the bacteria with tweezers to take
蓝岩鬣蜥,学名Cyclura nubila lewisi,原产地开曼群岛,栖息环境为干燥多岩的灌木林区,体长全长130-150公分,生存温度摄氏20-33度.