拍打或震动培养料并结合搔菌,是凤尾菇获取高产的一项新措施。 1.偶然的发现去年十月的一天,我将一箱已长满菌丝的菌砖搬移至另一地点,搬运是以自行车来完成的,由于车子的颠簸,菌砖上出现了一道道的裂纹。将其置于适宜环境下培养,三天后原基分化,菇蕾密布,待菌伞形成后加大喷水量,两、三天后饭碗大的凤尾菇层层叠叠,布满菌砖。该菇园整、肥厚、惹人喜爱。与静止栽培的相比,质量好、产量高,两平方尺的菌砖头潮就产鲜菇10斤。
Swatting or vibrating culture material combined with scratch bacteria is a new measure for the production of Pleurotus ostreatus. 1. Accidental Finding One day last October, I moved a box of mycelial bricks covered with mycelium to another place. The handling was done by bicycle. Due to the bumpy car, a series of roadblocks appeared on the bricks crack. Put it in suitable environment for culture, three days after the primordia differentiation, mushroom leaden, after the formation of mushroom umbrella to increase the amount of water spray, two or three days after the bowl of mushrooms stacked layers, covered with bacteria brick. The mushroom garden whole, hypertrophy, lovable. Compared with stationary cultivation, good quality and high yield, two square feet of mushroom bristles mushrooms produced 10 pounds.