【摘 要】
【机 构】
脑膜瘤有局部浸润倾向,术中如未能彻底切除肿瘤及受累的周围组织,术后复发较多,尤其对巨大的矢状窦旁脑膜瘤,手术难度大,处理亦较困难。我院1985年至1998年12月共收治8例位于矢状窦旁巨大脑膜瘤,均全切除,术后效果满意,现报告如下。1 资料11 一般资料:本组男3例,女5例,年龄35
Meningeal local infiltration tendency, such as the failure to completely remove the tumor and the surrounding tissue involvement, postoperative recurrence more, especially for the huge sagittal sinus meningioma, the operation is difficult, the treatment is more difficult. Our hospital from 1985 to December 1998 were treated 8 cases were located in the great salandal meningioma, were completely removed, the results were satisfactory, are as follows. 1 Information 11 General Information: The group of 3 males and 5 females, age 35
Neurological disorders are amongst the most widely studied human aliments.Yet,they are also one of the most poorly understood.Although most of these disorders a
本组男8例,女2例,年龄20~60岁,因各种原因在本院开颅,离体颅骨瓣均取自病人本身,最大18 cm×12 cm,最小6 cm×4 cm,其中1块的骨折线达颅骨瓣的2/3,部位:额顶颞6例,额骨2例,颞
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in neurodevelopment and regeneration:VEGF is a well-known factor that promotes vascularization and angiogenesis.Beside
弥漫性莱维小体病(diffuse Lewy body disease, DLBD)是由小阪等命名的变性痴呆疾患,临床症状以进行性的皮质性痴呆和帕金森综合征为主;病理上以中枢神经系统广泛大量出现的
本组男11例,女5例;年龄3~28岁,其中3~12岁小儿11例,平均8.2岁.均为闭合性轻型颅脑伤(GCS 14~15分).伤后有短暂昏迷5例,均有头痛、头昏,5例伴呕吐,神经系统均无定位体征.伤后0.5~6
Over the last years,anatomical,electrophysiological and genetic studies have carefully dissected the pathways connecting the brain and the spinal cord.Lawrence