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国企改革是一场深刻的社会变革,它既是关系到国民经济发展的重大经济问题,也是关系到社会主义制度命运的重大政治问题,还是社会主义市场经济建设成败的主要标志。当前国企变革中出现问题的症结在哪里?为什么企业大面积欠收、荒芜,原因是资本死了。这就给我们搞企业的人提出了两个不能回避、又不能不解决的问题,一个是如何提高资本经营质量,一个是如何实现资本的转换。我们从实践中认识到,要想搞活资本经营,首先要转换观念,思想观念是实现资本转换的介质。解决这两个问题,离不开毛泽东思想作指导。我们把以毛泽东思想作指导,激活思想、转换资本的方式, The reform of state-owned enterprises is a profound social change. It is not only a major economic issue related to the development of the national economy, but also a major political issue related to the fate of the socialist system and the major symbol of the success of the socialist market economy. Where are the crux of the problems in the current reform of state-owned enterprises? Why enterprises owe a large area and barren because of the death of capital. This gives us to engage in business people put forward two can not be avoided, but also can not solve the problem, one is how to improve the quality of capital management, one is how to achieve the conversion of capital. We have realized from practice that in order to revitalize capital management, we must first change concepts and ideas and concepts to achieve capital conversion. To solve these two problems, we can not do without guidance from Mao Zedong Thought. We put the guidance of Mao Zedong Thought, activate ideas, the way to convert capital,