
来源 :人民公安 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mylocoy
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56岁的丁江山是宁夏贺兰县洪广镇的一位普通农民。高中毕业后,老丁凭着对机械的热爱,从修理农机具开始,逐步变为改装发明农具。30多年来,丁江山与妻子种地得来的微薄收入和自家经营小商店的所有盈利绝大部分被他投入到他的发明创造事业中。在看到新能源不断发展,绿色环保理念广泛推广之后,老丁又与时俱进地开始研究与节能相关的农机具。经过不断地研究、改进,老丁发明出太阳能光伏自动清扫车、油电双动力太阳能观光车、健身发电 The 56-year-old Ding Jiangshan is an ordinary farmer from Hongguang Town, Helan County, Ningxia. After graduating from high school, Laoding with the love of machinery, starting from the repair of agricultural machinery, and gradually transformed into a modified agricultural tools. Over the past 30 years, Ding Jiangshan and his wife planted their meager income and all the profits of their own small business store was invested in his invention of most of his career. After seeing the continuous development of new energy and the wide promotion of the concept of green environment, Lao Ding started to study farm machinery related to energy conservation with the times. After continuous research, improvement, Lao Ding invented a solar photovoltaic automatic sweeping car, oil and electricity dual-powered solar sightseeing car, fitness power generation
There was a boy calledAli.All was very kindto birds.One day he went outwalking in the fields and hesaw a bird near a tree.He hadnever seen a bird like that Th
1.Read the passage below and put the statements that follow in theright order,according to the information in the passage.I knew it was going to be a bad day w
Fred sometimes liked to go to a bar to have adrink before he went home after work.Therewere some tables and chairs in the bar,but it was too early for most peo
编辑同志: 我是一个女青年,今年17岁。那天我看了京剧《白蛇传》后,心情久久不能平静。我多么渴望能象他们那样为人民表演出惊人的技艺来,可是怎样才能实现这一理想呢?请费
Once upon a time most of the people were happy to stay at home.They never thought of looking for new lands across the oceans. Infact, they believed that the se