在第一批保持共产党员先进性教育活动中,黑龙江省委驻省 直各部门及各市(地)督导组按中央和省委的要求,紧紧依靠各级 党委,始终坚持高标准、严要求,认真履行职责,做到吃透精神,超 前指导,切实把好政策关、质量关、效果关,不断提高督导工作的 能力和水平,有效发挥了督导和指导作用。 先进性教育活动时间紧、任务重、要求高,这就要求督导组工 作必须超前指导、同步艰进。因此,工作中各督导组始终注重认识
In the first education campaign to maintain the advanced nature of party members, the steering group of all departments and municipalities (prefectures) in Heilongjiang Province directly under the provincial government, at the request of the central and provincial governments, closely followed party committees at all levels and consistently adhered to high standards and strict demands , Conscientiously perform their duties, be able to thoroughly understand the spirit and advance guidance, and effectively improve the policy, quality, effectiveness, and constantly improve the ability and level of supervision and effectively play a supervisory and guiding role. The timeliness, heavy tasks and high requirements of advanced education activities require that supervisors and supervisors groups work ahead of time and work hard at the same time. Therefore, the work of the steering group always pay attention to understanding