Doctors Bridging Borders Chinese doctors working in Africa build cultural bridges

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BEFORE Chinese medical teams were sent to Africa,to most Africans,China was a re?mote country that they had barely heard of.But through seeing and being treated by Chi?nese doctors Africans began to learn about China and its people.The current friendship between China and Af?rica is based in part on Chinese medical aid to the continent,which has been in place for 50 years.In the winter of 1962,the Chinese Ministry of Health(the predecessor of the National Health and Family Planning Commission)received a request from the Algerian Government through its embassy in Beijing,asking that Chinese medical profession?als be sent to Algeria to help with local medical BEFORE Chinese medical teams were sent to Africa, to most Africans, China was a re?mote country that they had barely heard of.But through seeing and being treated by Chi?nese doctors Africans began to learn about China and its people.The current Friendship between China and Af?rica is based in part on Chinese medical aid to the continent, which has been in place for 50 years.In the winter of 1962, the Chinese Ministry of Health (the predecessor of the National Health and Family Planning Commission )received a request from the Algerian Government through its embassy in Beijing,asking that Chinese medical profession?als be sent to Algeria to help with local medical
8万6千人人人有熟人  凌晨两点。一阵急促的电话铃声响起,张树军翻身起床,揉揉突突发跳的太阳穴,不自觉地,心揪了起来:难道院里又有突发状况了?  “产妇!大出血!现在压住了出血口!”产科的同事急切地求助,电话里传来忙乱的声音。  “千万别松手!等我!”他无比严厉地说,飞奔下楼,自己驾车快速赶到卫生院。多亏抢救及时。事后想起,他仍有些后怕,“幸好那时候路上没多少车,也没限速。”  这样的夜晚,他经历