
来源 :农业工程技术(温室园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mugua604
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自20世纪90年代开始,尤其是农业部2008年出台《农业部关于促进设施农业发展的意见》之后,逐年加大对设施农业装备购置补贴的力度,开展了园艺作物标准园创建活动和设施农业装备技术示范基地建设,设立了“菜篮子”产品生产专项扶持资金,启动了非耕地公益性农业行业科研专项,中国设施园艺产业迅猛发展,设施园艺面积位居世界第一位。据统计,2012年,全国设施园艺产业净产值为7200多亿元,人均设施蔬菜180 kg以上。设施园艺使全国乡村人均增收1142.3元,占乡村人均纯收入的13.9%。重点设施园 Since the 1990s, especially after the Ministry of Agriculture published the “MOA’s Opinions on Promoting the Development of Facility Agriculture” in 2008, it gradually increased the subsidies for the purchase of agricultural equipment for facilities and started the establishment of horticultural crop standard parks and facilities for agriculture Equipment and technology demonstration base construction, set up “basket ” production support funds, started non-cultivated land for non-profit agricultural research projects, China’s rapid development of horticultural facilities, facilities, gardening area ranked first in the world. According to statistics, in 2012, the net output value of the horticultural industry in the country was more than 720 billion yuan and the average per capita amount of vegetables was 180 kg. Facilities Horticulture increased per capita income of rural areas 1142.3 yuan, accounting for 13.9% of rural per capita net income. Key facilities park