
来源 :中国海关 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiegui
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本轮金融危机余波迟迟不退,煤炭行业回暖遥遥无期。中国以平均每年10%以上增速的煤炭需求居于全球第一大煤炭消费国,但与此相悖,中国的煤炭出口却遭遇了8年的下跌。十二五期间,中国将能源的平衡发展提高到了战略高度,并将目标定为“到2020年中国能源消耗强度下降40%-45%,可再生能源比重要提高到15%左右”。作为世界最传统、最重要能源之一的煤炭,正处于最尴尬时期。 The current round of financial crisis, delayed retreat, the coal industry to pick up in the foreseeable future. China, with an average annual growth rate of more than 10% in coal demand, lives in the world’s largest coal consumer country. But contrary to this, China’s coal exports have suffered an 8-year decline. During the 12th five-year plan, China raised the balanced development of energy to a strategic level and set the goal of “reducing the intensity of energy consumption in China by 40% -45% by 2020 and increasing the proportion of renewable energy sources to about 15%”. As one of the most traditional and important energy sources in the world, coal is in its most awkward period.