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华北地区岩溶陷落柱广泛发育,在太行山东麓、西麓和燕山南麓煤田中,井下煤矿生产常常遇到陷落柱,给正常生产带来影响,特别是碰到含水陷落柱,还会造成重大淹井事故,带来严重经济损失。如1972年淇县庙口煤矿陷落柱出水淹井;1965年安阳铜冶煤矿陷落柱出水淹井;1984年开滦范各庄煤矿陷落柱出水淹井均属于此列。要防止煤矿井下陷落柱出水,必须查清陷落柱发育规律,加强对陷落柱成因的研究。但到目前为止,对陷落柱的成因认识还不一致。本人根据对陷落柱发育特征分析,谈一下对华北地区陷落柱成因的初浅见解。 一、陷落柱的发育特征 碳酸盐岩层中形成溶洞以后,上覆非可溶性岩层向溶洞内塌落而形成陷落柱,这种地质现象说起来很简单,但其形成原因和发育过程要复杂得多。我们从陷落柱的特征谈起。 Karst collapses in North China are widely developed. In coal mines at the foot of the Taihang Mountains, the western foot and the southern foot of Yanshan, coal mine production often encounters collapse columns, which have an impact on normal production. In particular, when encountering water-containing sinking columns, they also cause major flooding Well accidents, causing serious economic losses. Such as the 1972 Qixian Miaoke coal mine subsidence column flooded wells; 1965 Anyang Tongye coal mine subsidence column flooded wells; 1984 Kailuan Fangezhuang coal mine subsidence column sinking wells belong to this column. To prevent the subsidence of coal mine underground effluent, we must find out the law of development of subsidence column and strengthen the study of the causes of subsidence column. But so far, the cause of formation of the collapse of the column is not consistent. Based on the analysis of the development characteristics of the collapse column, I talk about the initial thoughts on the causes of the collapse column in North China. First, the development characteristics of the sinking column After the formation of caverns in the carbonate rock formation, the overlying non-soluble rock formations collapsed into the caverns to form collapsed columns. This geological phenomenon is simple to say, but its formation and development are complicated many. We talk about the characteristics of the collapse column.
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