肠套叠是小儿最常见的急腹症之一,以春季发病较多,常见于2岁以下小儿,尤其4~10个月的婴儿发病率最高。发病后,若能在24小时内作出诊断,早期用灌肠法复位,不需住院均可治愈。如病程超过1~2日往往需住院手术治疗,而且有2~5%的死亡率。因此,家长及托幼工作者都应了解本病的特点,以免延误病情。肠套叠的主要临床表现有如下几点: 一、阵发性腹痛是肠套叠的最早症状。由于婴儿不会诉说腹痛,故常表现为突然哭闹不止,脸色苍白,双腿蜷曲。大约5~15分钟后小儿嬉戏如常或安静入睡,过数十分钟又突然发作,如此反复发作多次,小儿精神萎靡,转入嗜睡状态。
Intussusception is one of the most common acute abdomen in children, with more incidence in spring, common in children under 2 years of age, especially 4 to 10 months, the highest incidence of infants. After the onset, if the diagnosis can be made within 24 hours, early enema reduction, without hospitalization can be cured. If the duration of more than 1 to 2 days often require hospital surgery, but also 2 to 5% mortality. Therefore, parents and child care workers should understand the characteristics of the disease, so as not to delay the disease. The main clinical manifestations of intussusception are the following points: First, paroxysmal abdominal pain is the earliest symptoms of intussusception. As the baby will not tell abdominal pain, so often expressed as a sudden crying, pale, legs curled. About 5 to 15 minutes later, children play or sleep quietly as usual, after tens of minutes and a sudden attack, so repeatedly repeated many times, children’s apathetic into sleepiness.