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搭建了一套基于LabVIEW的实时、在线气体高分辨率光谱探测系统,采用离轴入射腔增强吸收光谱技术,将外腔式二极管激光器(ECDL)作为激光光源,实现了粗细两种扫描方式的光谱测量,获得了CO2分子在6358.65cm-1处的弱吸收谱峰、吸收光谱强度、线宽与气体浓度的关系,采用该吸收峰使整个系统的最小探测灵敏度达1.1×10-6 cm-1。在波数为6450~6530cm-1范围内,所获得的CO2分子振动转动光谱与模拟结果基本一致。实验结果表明该系统不仅可行,而且具有较高的探测灵敏度和光谱精度,能满足气体不同光谱的探测需求。 A real-time on-line high-resolution gas detection system based on LabVIEW was set up. Using off-axis incident-cavity enhancement absorption spectroscopy and ECDL as the laser light source, We obtained the weak absorption peak at 6358.65cm-1, the absorption spectrum intensity, the line width and the gas concentration. The minimum detection sensitivity of this system was 1.1 × 10-6 cm-1 . In the wave number range of 6450 ~ 6530cm-1, the obtained vibrational spectra of CO2 molecules are basically consistent with the simulation results. The experimental results show that the system is not only feasible, but also has high detection sensitivity and spectral accuracy to meet the detection needs of different spectra of gases.