案情简介 2001年11月26日,身为张母桥镇经济开发办主任的苏成安,为了该镇一家窑场“纳税”一事,出 面请县国税局张母桥镇分局局长李自民与窑场负责人一起饮酒吃饭。饭后,李自民提出要去舒城县 城洗个澡,苏成安从窑场负责人那里拿了200元钱,包了一辆出租车陪同李自民来到县城的金陵沐 浴城。两人进了浴室却没有下浴池,反而和老板娘争执起来。半小时后,李、苏二人先后走出了沐浴城 大门。还没有走出六七米,忽然听到有人在后面喊道:“不能让他们跑了……”走在后面的苏成安回头 一看,一个男人倒在大门边上,后不治身亡。 舒城县公安局在“起诉意见书”中写道:苏成安结账后出门时,碰到正在拉玻璃自弹门让其外出 的沐浴城锅炉工林叙德(男,50岁,系沐浴城老板之兄)。林说:“你们这些干部,还不如我们干活的百 姓。”苏回道:“关你什么事!”顺手向林背后推了一把。林向前一踉跄,腹部撞到正反弹过来的玻璃门 把手上。林仰面倒在门厅台上,经抢救无效死亡。 舒城县人民检察院起诉书称:苏、李等人酒后乘出租车至城关金陵沐浴城洗澡,因价格及服务问 题与经营人员发生争执。被告人苏成安出门离开时,向沐浴城锅炉工林叙德背部猛击一掌,致使林腹 部撞击玻璃自弹门把手,造成胰腺破裂,经抢救无效死亡。上述犯罪事实清楚,证据确凿、充分
Brief introduction of the case On November 26, 2001, Su Chengan, director of the Economic Development Office of Zhangmuqiao Town, came forward to request Li Zimin, director of Zhangmuqiao Town Branch of the State Internal Revenue Service, Kilns responsible for drinking and eating together. After dinner, Li Zimin proposed to take a shower Shucheng County, Su Chengan took 200 yuan from the kiln chief who pack a taxi accompanied by Li Zimin came to the county’s Jinling Bath City. Two people into the bathroom but no bath, but arguing with the boss up. Half an hour later, Li, Su two have come out of Bath City door. Not out of six or seven meters, I suddenly heard someone shouted in the back: “can not let them run ... ” Su Chengan walked behind looked back, a man fell on the edge of the door, died. Shucheng County Public Security Bureau in “prosecution submissions ” wrote: Su Chengan checkout after going out, met the pull glass door to go out of the bathing city Boiler Lin Suode (male, 50 years old, Department Bathing city boss brother). Lin said: “You cadres, not as good as we work people.” “Su Hui said:” what’s your point! " Lin staggered forward, hit the bounce on the glass door handle on the abdomen. Lin Yang face down in the hall stage, died of rescue invalid. Shucheng County People’s Procuratorate’s indictment said: Su, Li and others drink a taxi to Chengguan Jinling shower bath, due to price and service issues and business disputes. When the defendant, Su Cheng-an, left for a shower, he slapped Lin Shui-te on the back of the bathing city boilers, causing the abdomen to hit the glass door handle, causing the pancreas to rupture and died as a result of the rescue. The above facts of the crime are clear, the evidence is conclusive and sufficient