魅力恩施 打造“一谷、两基地、三示范区”

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恩施土家族苗族自治州(简称恩施州)位于湖北省西南部,东连荆楚,南接潇湘,西临渝黔,北靠神农架,国土面积2.4万平方公里,辖恩施、利川两市和建始、巴东、宣恩、来凤、咸丰、鹤峰六县。境内年均气温16.2℃,年平均降水量1600毫米。地处武汉和重庆两大“火炉”之间,是最适宜人类居住的地区之 Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture (Enshi Prefecture) is located in the southwestern province of Hubei Province, east of Jingchu, Xiaoxiang south, west of Chongqing and Guizhou, Shennongjia north, land area of ​​24,000 square kilometers, administer Enshi, Lichuan and Jianshi, Badong, Xuan’en, Laifeng, Xianfeng, Hefeng six counties. The average annual temperature of 16.2 ℃, the average annual rainfall of 1600 mm. Located in Wuhan and Chongqing between the two “stove”, is the most suitable for human living area
The high temperature deformation behaviors and thermal workability of Cu_(43)Zr_(48)Al_9 and(Cu_(43)Zr_(48)Al_9)_(98)Y_2 bulk metallic glasses in the supercoole
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