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全球化的环境危机迫使伦理学将人与自然的关系拉入道德范畴。在新的世界思维体系下,基于环境伦理的景观设计暗含着新的契机与挑战。中国古代蕴涵着丰富的生态哲学,其中有许多与现代环境伦理思想惊人的相似之处,这就需要我们认真梳理、发掘和重新审视中国古代环境伦理中所蕴涵的与当代社会具有相通性的思想资源,并赋予它更多的现代意义的阐释。 The global environmental crisis has forced ethics to pull the relationship between man and nature into a moral category. Under the new world thinking system, landscape design based on environmental ethics implies new opportunities and challenges. Ancient China contains a wealth of ecological philosophy, many of which are striking similarities with modern environmental ethics, which requires us to conscientiously sort out and reexamine the ideas that are embedded in the ancient Chinese environmental ethics that are in common with contemporary society Resources, and gives it more modern meaning of interpretation.
我高中的时候,班里有个同学,成绩差不多总在末三名,可喜的是英语很好,有几次竟然考过班级第一,即使这样,高考他还是落榜了。  他先在一家工厂做过一阵车工,后来活儿实在太脏,又去做搬运工,虽说累了点,但相对来说比较自由,午后还有一个小时的小憩。一天,他光着膀子,倚着树干在树阴下读一本杂志,不觉睡了过去。一阵微风吹来,带着丝丝清凉,他打了个冷战,睁开了眼,目光落在膝盖摊开的杂志上。上面有一则轶事,说钱钟