骨恶性淋巴瘤较罕见 ,占骨原发恶性肿瘤的 2 .75~ 5 % ,是属于淋巴组织发生在骨的恶性肿瘤。临床症状以局部疼痛肿胀为主 ,全身情况相对较好 ,病程缓慢。现将我院近年收治的 2例报告如下。1 临床病理资料例 1男性 ,48岁。无明显诱因左上臂疼痛 2年余 ,X线片示左肱骨中段呈虫
Bone malignant lymphoma is rare and accounts for 2.75 to 5% of primary bone malignant tumors. It is a malignant tumor that occurs in lymphoid tissues. The clinical symptoms were mainly local pain swelling, the whole body was relatively good, and the course was slow. Now two cases reported in our hospital in recent years are reported below. 1 Cases of clinical pathology 1 Male, 48 years old. No obvious cause of left upper arm pain for more than 2 years, X-ray film shows the middle segment of left tibia