The acid-labile state (U_A) of the S. aureus nuclease analog (SNaseR) transforms to another stable acid-denaturating state (state A) at higher NaCl concentrations, ie U_A → A. The results of the CD spectrometry A-state structure with a large number of secondary structure. Volume exclusion chromatographic determination showed that state A has a bulk density close to the natural state .A state can be combined with the hydrophobic fluorescent probe ANS .A state of these features indicate that the structure is similar to the melt ball State.NaCl and HCl-induced UA → A conformational transition coincide with each other, indicating that the UA → A transition is caused by the binding of C1 ~ to the A-state enzyme molecule.C1 ~ - binding to the A-state enzyme molecule stabilizes the The α-helical structure of the enzyme. Guanidine hydrochloride can denature the A-state.