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一追寻有太多坎坷。路途迂回,在夜色里如梦境般追随留恋的,是一颗笃定的心。穿过红尘,在午夜与一座寺庙重合,是早安排好的。就像一场雨落在凌晨三点。披着袈裟的人,在雨雾里点燃香烟。就像钟声唤醒了经咒,那些陆续赶来的人,都有慈悲的容颜。二从一个蒲团跪下,在一尊佛前垂首。从无量众生中认识自己。在观音寺,卸下的疲惫,担不起一个符号的重量。来得太迟了。也来得太早了。在观音寺,我有无量雨水,期待着黎明。三三生不远,系念之人,跪了又跪。 A search for too many ups and downs. A roundabout way to follow nostalgia in the night like a dream, is a confident heart. Passing through the red dust, coinciding with a temple at midnight, is arranged as early as possible. It’s like a rain falling at three in the morning. Dressed in grubby people, lit cigarettes in the rain and fog. Just as the bell awakens the curse, those who come one after another, have a compassionate appearance. Two knelt down from a futon, plunged in front of a Buddha. Know yourself from immense beings. In Guanyin Temple, unloaded tired, can not afford the weight of a symbol. It’s too late. It’s too early. In Guanyin Temple, I have immeasurable rain, looking forward to dawn. Sansheng students not long ago, Department of people, kneeling and kneeling.
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