在博乐市进行低肥力地块玉米肥料校正试验,结果表明:①在博乐市低肥力土壤上测土配方施肥区产量最高,在土壤速效钾较丰富的地块上少量施用钾肥有明显的增产效果。②最佳施肥时期和方法:有机肥、磷肥、钾肥、锌肥的全部及尿素总量的20%作基肥,在秋(春)犁地前一次性均匀撒施。追肥分2次施入,第1次在玉米拔节期灌头水前结合中耕深施6~8 cm,追施尿素总量的65%,第2次追肥在玉米灌浆初期追施尿素总量的15%,人工撒施均匀。③肥料当季利用率:钾>磷>氮,与空白区相比肥料当季利用率都比较高。氮肥、磷肥的利用率是测土区高于习惯施肥区,由此说明施肥时应根据土壤养分含量进行配施。
In Bole City, corn fertilizers in low-fertility plots were tested. The results showed that: ①The yield of the formula-fertilization area was the highest in the low-fertility soils of Bole, and a small amount of potassium fertilizer was applied to the plots with high available potassium Increase production efficiency. ② The best fertilization period and method: 20% of the total amount of organic fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer, zinc fertilizer and urea as the basal fertilizer, and evenly spreading once before spring (plowing). Topdressing applied 2 times, the first time in the jointing stage of corn water irrigation with deep planting 6 ~ 8 cm, topdressing 65% of the total urea, the second top dressing in the early corn topdressing the total amount of urea 15%, manual spreading evenly. ③ fertilizer seasonal utilization: potassium> phosphorus> nitrogen, compared with the blank area utilization of fertilizer are higher than the season. Nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer utilization rate is higher than the habitat of soil fertilization area, indicating that fertilization should be based on soil nutrient content with facilities.