我省沿江地区的后季晚稻,大都栽插偏迟熟的常规晚粳.因其对光照敏感,生育期较长,不易早穗,增产潜力较高.但由于抽穗期偏迟,往往易受寒害.为了摸清影响成穗、结实的主要因素,1980~1982年连续对后季晚粳农虎6号的叶节、分穗、成穗,进行了比较仔细的观测,结果如下. 一、叶节和分蘖农虎6号作后季晚粳栽培,全期可发生15—18片真叶;一片叶子一个节,叶片发生愈多,节位愈多,分蘖的节位也相应增多.三年观测表明:在适期播种的条件下,影响叶片发生数目的主要因素是秧田播种量的大小.秧田播种量愈小,全期出生叶片愈多;播量愈大,全期出叶数愈少.在秧田期间叶数常在15—18片之间仅
Late rice in the late season along the Yangtze River in the province is planted with late-maturing conventional late japonica rice because of its sensitivity to light, long growth period, difficult to early panicle, higher yield potential.But due to the late heading stage, are often susceptible In order to find out the main factors that affect the ear and the ear, 1980-1982, the leaf nodes, the spikelets and the ear of late japonica Nonghu 6 were continuously observed from 1980 to 1982, and the results were as follows: Leaf node and tillering Nonghu 6 for late-season cultivation of late japonica, the whole period can occur 15-18 true leaves; a leaf a node, the more leaves, node more, tillers node also increased accordingly. The annual observation shows that under the conditions of suitable sowing date, the main factor influencing the number of leaves is the sowing amount of seedling, the smaller sowing amount is, the more leaves are born in the whole period; Less in the seedling leaves often between 15-18 tablets only