
来源 :北京水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:27-Aug
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在北京市五环路二期工程宛平城立交工程,我方承建了宛平城立交雨水泵站进水管线工程。其位置紧邻五环路堑主体结构U型槽。因主路U型槽位于管线西侧,主路U型槽的纵向开挖上口线与东侧社会交通道路相距仅4m,雨水管线即在二者中间。此外,结合施工图纸和拆迁现场调查,管线局部开挖超出占地红线;局部雨水管线管底高程低于U型槽底,如管线采用明槽开挖,U型槽底板稳定性也将受到影响。而本工程拆迁严重滞后,工期又不能顺延,工期紧迫。在这样的条件下,经过综合分析,决定采用内径1350mm(T12)顶管施工,埋深10m左右。施工起始阶段,因顶管高程处砂卵石级配不良,有塌方出现,施工中采 In Beijing Wanhuan Road Phase II Wanping City overpass project, we contracted Wanping city rainwater pumping station inlet pipeline project. Its location is close to the main structure U-shaped groove of the Fifth Ring Road Cutting. Because the main road U-shaped groove is located on the west side of the pipeline, the longitudinal excavation upper line of the main road U-shaped groove is only 4m away from the social traffic road on the east side, and the rainwater pipeline is in between. In addition, with the construction drawings and demolition site investigation, the partial excavation of the pipeline exceeds the red line of the land occupation; the elevation of the bottom of the local rainwater pipeline is lower than that of the U-shaped bottom, and the stability of the U-shaped bottom floor will also be affected . However, the demolition of this project lags behind seriously and the construction period can not be postponed, so the construction period is urgent. In such conditions, after a comprehensive analysis, decided to use the inner diameter 1350mm (T12) pipe jacking construction, the depth of about 10m. The initial stage of construction, due to the elevation of the pipe jacking gravel poor distribution, there are landslides appear in the construction of mining
众所周知,高血压病是全身性疾病,心、脑、肾等器官深受其害。一项调查表明,不少高血压病人死于高血压性脑出血。有的病人即使幸免死亡,也往往留下严重后遗症。脑出血实为高血压痛患者的大忌。  高血压病之所以容易损害脑血管,是与该病本身的病理特点和颅脑的解剖结构紧密相关的。高血压病常见于中老年人,患者多伴有高脂血症。长期的高血压及高血脂,可使脑内的小动脉发生硬化,弹力较差、内膜增厚、钙斑形成。在血流天长日久
神阙是肚脐的穴名。我国自古就有利用神阙穴治病疗疾的记载。这里介绍几种简易实用的脐疗方法,供读者临证选用。  (1)拔罐法:直接在肚脐部位拔罐1O分钟左右。适用于治疗寒性胃病、腹痛、呕吐、腹泻。  (2)伤湿止痛膏贴脐法:取4厘米×4厘米伤湿止痛膏一块,贴于脐上。有祛风除湿、活血止痛之功,可用于治疗寒湿腹痛、腹泻等。  (3)风油精涂脐法:将风油精数滴滴于脐中,外贴伤湿止痛膏。治疗寒性腹痛,效果显著