以Ti_3AlC_2粉和锌铝合金ZA27粉作为原料,采用行星球磨混料和气氛保护烧结工艺制备了Ti_3AlC_2颗粒增强ZA27复合材料,重点研究了烧结温度对复合材料的相组成、力学性能和显微组织的影响。结果表明,随烧结温度的升高,复合材料的相对密度、维氏硬度、抗弯强度和抗拉强度都增大,且在870℃时抗弯强度和抗拉强度都达到最大值,分别为592和324 MPa。该温度下Ti_3AlC_2与ZA27之间发生了微弱的化学反应,有利于改善基体与颗粒增强相之间的界面结合效果。
Ti_3AlC_2 powder and zinc-aluminum alloy ZA27 powder were used as raw materials to prepare Ti_3AlC_2 particle reinforced ZA27 composite by planetary ball milling and atmosphere protection sintering process. The effects of sintering temperature on the phase composition, mechanical properties and microstructure of the composite influences. The results show that with the increase of sintering temperature, the relative density, Vickers hardness, flexural strength and tensile strength of the composites increase, and the flexural strength and tensile strength reach the maximum at 870 ℃, respectively 592 and 324 MPa. The weak chemical reaction between Ti_3AlC_2 and ZA27 at this temperature is beneficial to improve the interfacial bonding between matrix and particle reinforced phase.