为了适应农村改革和劳力转移,必须大力推广省工、节本、高产、高效益的栽培技术。在条播麦高产实践和免(少)耕麦示范成功的基础上,1985年秋播我县开始三麦免(少)耕机条播试验示范,并获得成功。1986年秋播全县示范推广面积达到2.54万亩,1987年秋播又扩大到7.2万亩。 生产实践表明,把免(少)耕技术与机械条播组装配套,能集三大技术优势于一体,有利于大面积增产。如宗村乡1986年秋播500亩免(少)耕机条播示范方,属中产水平,其中400亩小麦平均单产260公斤,比大面积耕翻撒播麦增产8.3%;1987年秋播扩大到2914亩,占三麦总面积的31.8%,小麦平均亩产315.3公斤,比耕翻机条播增产8.8%。与耕翻撒播麦相比,免(少)耕机条播省去耕耙、人工挖沟和整地等作业,每亩可少用2~3个人工,节省种子1.5~2公斤,节约柴油1~1.5公斤,机耕费减少2~3元,具有增产、省工、节本、增收的效益。现将免(少)耕机条播麦的生育特点及其配套技术简介如下:
In order to adapt to rural reform and the transfer of labor, we must vigorously promote the provincial labor, section, high yield, high efficiency cultivation techniques. On the basis of the successful high yield wheat planting and the successful (or less) demonstration of plowing in wheat cultivation, the experiment of sowing and tillage of three grain wheat (less) tillage was started in autumn of 1985 and was succeeded. Autumn 1986 broadcast demonstration area of the county to reach 2.54 million mu, autumn seeding in 1987 and expanded to 7.2 million mu. Production practice shows that the free (less) farming technology and mechanical drilling assembly supporting, can set the three major technical advantages in one, is conducive to large-scale production. Such as Zongcun 1986 autumn 500 acres of free (less) farming section sowing demonstration, is a middle class, of which 400 acres of wheat yield 260 kg, than the large area of tillage overcast wheat yield 8.3%; 1987 autumn broadcast expanded to 2914 acres, Accounting for 31.8% of the total area of Sanmai. The average yield of wheat was 315.3 kg, an increase of 8.8% over that of Taigu. Compared with tillage and sowing wheat, less (less) cultivator sowing and eliminating rake, artificial trenching and soil preparation and other operations, less per acre with 2 to 3 artificial, saving 1.5 to 2 kg seeds, saving diesel 1 ~ 1.5 kilograms, 2 to 3 yuan reduction in plowing costs, with increased production, labor, section, the benefits of income. Will now be free (less) tillage barley sowing characteristics and its supporting technology briefings are as follows: