据以色列记者Chal es Fleming报导,以色列航空工业公司的第一架狮飞机予定在1986年底飞行。计划制造五架狮原型机,打算于1990年开始交付批生产,力争每月提供30架。以色列空军需要300架狮飞机来更换现装备的天空鹰(Skyhawks)和幼狮(kfirs)飞机。现在设计的狮飞机是单座、单台发动机的高速突防,一次通过轰炸,机动性好,生存力高的战斗机。以色列为了进行高级的飞行训练,还准备研制一种双座的改型狮飞机。 狮飞机计划的负责人认为,狮飞机将是优于F—16和幻影2000的一种战斗机。它将具有和以色列空军的F—16飞机几乎相同的作战任务。之所以要发展狮飞机是因为除了能把以色列的作战经验结合到新飞机设计中去提供机会外,还有经济上的好处。以色列坚信,狮飞机将比F—16飞机便宜,其使用期的费用也肯定会少。
According to Israeli journalist Chal Es Fleming, the first Lion aircraft of Israel’s Aerospace Corporation is scheduled to fly by the end of 1986. Five lion prototypes are planned to be manufactured and it is planned to begin production deliveries in 1990 in an effort to provide 30 aircraft a month. The Israeli Air Force needs 300 lion aircraft to replace the Skyhawks and kfirs currently in service. Lion aircraft are now designed single-seat, single-engine high-speed penetration, a bombing, mobility, high survivability fighter. In order to carry out advanced flight training, Israel is also preparing to develop a two-seater modified lion aircraft. Head of the Lion Plane program believes that the Lion Plane will be a fighter jet superior to the F-16 and Phantom 2000. It will have almost the same operational mission as the Israeli Air Force’s F-16 aircraft. The reason for the development of the Lion Plane is that there are financial advantages as well as providing opportunities to integrate Israeli combat experience into the design of new aircraft. Israel firmly believes that Lion aircraft will be cheaper than the F-16 aircraft, and the cost of its use will certainly be less.