小麦拔节期是从麦苗起身到孕穗前的一段生长发育时期。这时正值小穗分化,营养生长和生殖生长并进,是小麦一生中生长速度最快、生长量最大的时期。因此,加强这个时期的田间管理,是提高种子产量和质量的关键之一。 1 增施追肥:追肥应以氮肥为主,一般亩施碳酸氢铵25~30公斤或尿素15~20公斤(比碳铵提前3~5天施用)。施肥时间应视种子田苗情而定。群体较小、叶片黄瘦、生长较弱及稀播繁殖的种子田应早
The jointing stage of wheat is from wheat seedling up to the booting stage before a period of growth and development. This time coinciding with the spikelet differentiation, vegetative and reproductive growth go hand in hand, is the fastest growing period of wheat growth, the largest growth period. Therefore, strengthening field management during this period is one of the keys to increasing seed yield and quality. 1 Top dressing: Top dressing should be nitrogen-based, generally 25 to 30 kg of ammonium bicarbonate or urea 15 to 20 kg (3 to 5 days before ammonium bicarbonate application). Fertilization time should be as seedling seedlings may be. Smaller groups, yellow leaves thin, weak growth and thinning breeding seed fields should be early