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一、二十世纪晚期美国史学概况20世纪晚期美国的史学思潮,可以这样来概括,一方面,除去早期学派班克罗夫特等人的著作已不大有人问津之外,19世纪末以来出现的史学流派,尤其是进步主义学派、新保守派、新左派、老左派等学派,都还有相当影响。因为这些派别,各有自己的特色,各有自己明显的优点和缺点。他们的缺点,越来越被人们所认识;他们的优点,越来越被人们所接受。而且,各派之间,尤其是当时还健在的老学派的史学家之间,大都采取取人之长,补己之短的态度,以丰富自己的学说。如老左派史学家P.S.方纳(PhilipS.Foner)说:“我对同我对立的学派从不采取一味排斥的态度,而是从各学派中吸收很多有益的东西,比如,我过去忽视文化史和非组织工人的历史,而新左派工人运动史学家提倡研究工人文化史,我就吸收了他们对的一面。由于受新左派的 I. History of American Historiography in the Late Twentieth Century American historiography in the late twentieth century can be summed up in the following way. On the one hand, the history of the history that emerged since the late 19th century, except for the work of the early school author Bancroft and others, The schools of thought, especially the progressive school, the neoconservative school, the new left school and the old left school, all have considerable influence. Because these factions, each with its own uniqueness, have their own distinct strengths and weaknesses. Their shortcomings are more and more recognized by the people; their advantages are more and more accepted by the people. Moreover, most historians among the various factions, and especially the still-existing old schools at the time, adopted the shortest attitude of seeking others and filling themselves up to enrich their own doctrines. As the old leftist historian Philip S. Fern said: ”I have never taken an exclusive attitude toward schools opposed to me, but have absorbed many useful things from various schools. For example, I used to ignore culture History and the history of non-organized workers, and the New Left workers’ movement historians advocated the study of the cultural history of workers, I absorbed their own side. As a result of the new left