思想政治工作是一门科学。要使其发挥应有的战斗力,重要的一点就是做到动实情、说实话、讲实理、办实事。 动实情是增进相互了解的基础。对人民群众关心爱护,既是我们党的优良传统,又是社会主义市场经济条件下思想政治工作的基本要求。作为一名思想政治工作者,对自己工作的对象,情越浓、爱越深,工作效果就会越大。其道理很明白,有共同的感情基础,才能实现心灵、思想、情感的交流,进而产生“共振”、“共鸣”、“共行”。情,是调解人与人之间不平衡关系的主要
Ideological and political work is a science. To make it play its due combat effectiveness, the important point is to be truthful, truth-telling, and practical. Moving facts is the basis for enhancing mutual understanding. Care for the people and the people is not only the fine tradition of our party but also the basic requirement of ideological and political work under the conditions of a socialist market economy. As an ideological and political worker, the object of his work, love stronger, deeper love, the greater the work efficiency. The reason is very clear that in order to achieve the exchange of thoughts, thoughts and emotions, there is a common emotional foundation, which in turn creates “resonance”, “resonance” and “co-existence.” Love is the main mediator of the imbalance between people