The PC muscle, the acronym for Pubocoiccygeus, is a sling-like muscle attached to the anterior and posterior coccyx of the human pubis and is an important structure of the pelvic surface musculature. This little-known sexual muscle can make the male rectum and urethral sphincter, the woman’s rectum, urethra and vaginal sphincter interaction, and to a large extent determine the normal functioning of internal organs. The strength and elasticity of the PC muscle are crucial to ensure a woman’s spontaneous delivery during childbirth, enhanced sexual response during sexual intercourse, and urinary system function. But not without regret, PC muscle is weak and weak in about 30% of women, but I do not know how to strengthen it. As a result, I can not get pleasure when making love with her husband, even lead to frigidity and easy to leave marital fission Shadows.