眩晕是指以眼花或眼前发黑、视物模糊,或以感觉自身或外界景物旋转,站立不稳为特征的临床常见病症。多见于现代医学所指的内耳性眩晕、脑动脉硬化、高血压病、贫血、神经官能症,以及链霉素中毒、脑震荡后遗症等疾病。数年来,笔者对本病从肝论治颇获良效。兹介绍如下: 病案举例 (一)原发性高血压病黄某某,女,50岁,家属。1979年2月6日初诊。头晕耳鸣,头目胀痛已达3年。患者自1976年起,始觉头晕耳鸣,时头目胀痛,失眠烦躁,易激动。经某医院检查:血压为170/110毫米汞
Vertigo is a clinically common condition characterized by vertigo or dark eyes, blurred vision, or the feeling of self or external scenery rotation, standing instability. More common in modern medicine referred to the inner ear vertigo, cerebral arteriosclerosis, hypertension, anemia, neurosis, and streptomycin poisoning, concussion sequelae and other diseases. Over the past few years, the author has obtained good results from the treatment of the liver. Hereby introduce: Case examples (a) Primary hypertension, Huang Mou, female, 50 years old, family members. On February 6, 1979, I was newly diagnosed. Dizziness and tinnitus, head pain has reached 3 years. Since 1976, the patient has experienced dizziness and tinnitus, head pain, insomnia, irritability and irritability. Checked by a hospital: blood pressure is 170/110 mm Hg