Evaluation of Anti-Hyperglycemic and Anti-Hyperlipidemic Activities of Water Kefir as Probiotic on S

来源 :糖尿病(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangtingzhi2009
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Diabetes mellitus is a predominant chronic disease which causes mortality of millions of people yearly. Its prevalence is on the rise worldwide. Water kefir is fermented food produced by a matrix of polysaccharides containing bacteria and yeasts, with the
<正> 改革开放20年来,中药保健品开发利用取得了重大发展。强壮、抗衰老、壮阳、降血脂、减肥、益智等各类保健药品在1000种以上。强身的青春宝口服液、人参蜂王浆、人参酒,
Background: This study aims to determine the hazard ratio of having any complication from diabetes mellitus, and the associations between comorbidities and risk
Aims: Delayed gastric emptying (GE)may have a major effect on the management of diabetic patients by causing upper gastrointestinal symptoms, impaired oral drug
Introduction: To assess the changes in glycemic control after initiating or switching to a basal insulin analogue in patients with diabetes mellitus. Methods: A
1.治疗猪酒精中毒。取大黄40克,芒硝50克,枳实30克,研末加菜油50毫升,蜂蜜100毫升混匀,分2次灌服。  2.治疗猪白痢。用土茯苓500克,加水1000毫升,煮沸30分钟后,待浓缩至250毫升时口服,每次2~3匙,每日口服2~3次,连用2~3日即愈。  3.治疗猪副伤寒。白头翁6克,黄连1克,秦皮4.5克,龙胆草、苦参、白芍各3克,甘草1.5克,共研细末,加米汤灌服,每日1次,连用3天即可