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在建国三十周年的时候,我们缅怀成千上万为推翻旧社会、建立新中国而流血牺牲的先烈。同时,我们不能不深切地悼念三十年来在建设和保卫社会主义祖国的斗争中,在反对林彪、“四人帮”的殊死斗争中牺牲的老一辈无产阶级革命家和千百万普通劳动者。我们不能不在林彪、“四人帮”给我们新中国造成的历史性浩劫面前,对这条极左路线进行控诉、探索和思考。这就是生者对死者最切实的纪念,这也是死者对生者最真切的遗愿。这一辑抒情诗,以不同题材、从不同角度揭露批判了极左的危害和流毒。有的令我们痛定思痛,是为了永不忘却的纪念;有的召唤我们不要沉默,不要埋怨,展示了伏枥的老骥的雄心,破土的春笋的希望。与人民同悲欢,与时代共脉搏;为党分忧,为祖国的今天和明天歌唱:这是历史赋予诗歌作者的权利,也是诗歌作者对历史应尽的义务。 At the 30th anniversary of the founding of our nation, we cherish the memory of thousands of martyrs who sacrificed their blood and sacrificed for the overthrow of the old society and for the founding of new China. At the same time, we can not fail to profoundly mourn the loss of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries and tens of millions of ordinary laborers sacrificed in the supreme struggle against Lin Biao and the “gang of four” in the struggles for building and defending the socialist motherland in the past 30 years . We can not but complain, explore and ponder this extremely left line without facing the historic catastrophe caused by the new China by Lin Biao and the “gang of four.” This is the most realistic commemoration of the dead by the living, which is the deadliest living wishes to the living. This series of lyric poems, with different themes, expose and criticize the far-left harm and drug trafficking from different angles. Some make us painful experience, is to never forget the memorial; some summon us not to be silent, do not blame, showing the ambitions of the veteran, ground-breaking spring bamboo shoot hope. With the people with the same love and affection, with the pulse of the times; to worry about the party, singing for the motherland today and tomorrow: This is the history given to the author of poetry, but also the obligation of poetry to history.