紧急行动 在解放大军势如破竹向四川进军,重庆指日可下的前夕,川东地下党组织于1949年7月发出号召,加快营救战友的工作,特别是要尽一切努力解救渣滓洞、白公馆被关押的同志。被关在渣滓洞、白公馆集中营的我党同志多达数百人,他们是民族的精英、是党的宝贵财富、也是我们的亲密战友。 当我们住在歌乐山时,经常看到山下密布的碉楼上,敌兵荷枪实弹来回巡逻,铁丝网栏着的高墙内,有我的妹夫
Urgent Action On the eve of the liberation of the Great Forces into Sichuan and the entry of Chongqing into Japan, the underground party in Chuandong sent a call in July 1949 to expedite the rescue of his comrades. In particular, every effort should be made to save the Zhazi Cave. Comrade in custody. Hundreds of our party comrades, who were locked up in Zhazidong and White Mansion concentration camps, are elites of the nation, a valuable asset to the party and our close comrades in arms. When we lived in Geleshan, we often saw towering towers of towers, and enemy soldiers loaded their guns to and fro to patrol. There was my brother-in-law