
来源 :医疗器械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:acdd5230351
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日本东京女子医科大学人工肾中心研制了一种小型人工肾,整套装置可以放在特别马夹式衬衣的口袋内随身携带(图2)。总重量为4.5公斤,即使在行走时也可进行透析净化血液。这就改变了过去一定要在医院内进行治疗的传统,扩大了患者的活动范围。该装置有以下几个部分组成(图1): 1.血液回路:回路中也包括一个小的扁平型中孔纤维透析器,纤维用铜纺膜材料,内径200微米,膜厚11微米,有效透析面积1平方米。血液和透析液的传动采用挤压泵,泵用6伏直流微电机为动力,用伺服机构控 Japan’s Tokyo Women’s Medical Center artificial kidney center developed a small artificial kidney, the entire device can be placed in the pocket of a special jacket clip carry (Figure 2). With a total weight of 4.5 kg, dialysis can be performed to purify blood even while walking. This has changed the traditional treatment must be in the hospital tradition, expanding the scope of the patient’s activities. The device consists of the following parts (Figure 1): 1. Blood circuit: The circuit also includes a small flat mesoporous fiber dialyzer, the fiber copper foil material, an inner diameter of 200 microns, a film thickness of 11 microns, effective Dialysis area of ​​1 square meter. The transmission of blood and dialysis fluid using squeeze pump, pump with 6 V DC micro-motor as the power, with servo control