北国的2月,本应是刮风下雪的日子,可近几天,却阵阵暖意袭人,仿佛是春天巳提前回到人间,又似乎在迎接来自保加利亚的朋友——拉依科·彼得洛夫教授一行。 拉依科·彼得洛夫教授现任保加利亚“季米特洛夫高等体育学院”院长、保加利亚摔跤协会主席、国际摔跤联合会副主席,曾获保加利亚功勋健将、功勋教练和保加利亚社会主义劳动英雄等光荣称号。此次,他率保加利亚体育教育代表团到中国进行为期一周的访问。 听说彼得洛夫教授对体育史颇有研究,对我国体育史很感兴趣,我们立即兴冲冲地前去
In February, North Korea should have been a windy day, but in recent days it was as if the spring had come back to earth in advance. It seemed as if it was greeting friends from Bulgaria, Petrov and his party. Professor Lahiko Petrov is currently Dean of the Dimitrov Higher Sport Institute in Bulgaria, President of the Bulgarian Wrestling Association and Vice President of the International Wrestling Federation. He has won Bulgarian meritorious servicemen, meritorious trainers and Bulgarian socialist labor heroes Glorious title. This time, he led the Bulgarian physical education delegation to China for a week-long visit. I heard that Professor Petrov has studied quite well the history of sports and is very interested in the history of sports in China. We immediately excitedly went forward