“五四”运动高举着“科学”和“民主”两面大旗,向封建文化堡垒发动了猛烈地进攻。影响所及,中国现代美术在新旧势力的较量中艰难起步并迅速发展起来。民国初年,由于清王朝的没落和“四王”主流派画家“摹古”、“复古”之风的影响,中国晚清的画坛出现了萧条、冷落的局面, 道路越走越窄,内容越来越空洞虚妄。这时的上海画坛,却出现了破格创新、欣欣向荣的繁荣景象。上海是新文化引入中国的主要途经。五口通商后,上海从小镇迅速发展成中国对外贸易中心。太平天国运动之后,不少江南地主及大户人家迁移到上海租界。这样上海又成为各种思想交汇
During the May Fourth Movement, which held high the banner of “science” and “democracy,” they launched a violent attack on the feudal cultural fort. As a result, Chinese modern art struggled hard and rapidly developed in the contest between the old and new forces. In the early years of the Republic of China, due to the decline of the Qing Dynasty and the influence of the “ancient” and “vintage” painters of the mainstream writers of the “four kings”, the painting circles in late Qing dynasty in China experienced a depression and neglect. More and more empty vain. At this time, the Shanghai painting scene, there has been exceptionally innovative, thriving prosperity scene. Shanghai is the main way for the introduction of new culture into China. After five ports of commerce, Shanghai rapidly developed from a small town into a China foreign trade center. After the Taiping movement, many Jiangnan landlords and large families moved to the concession in Shanghai. So that Shanghai has become a convergence of ideas