编辑同志: 在许多民事案件和经济纠纷案件调解书的结尾部分都注明:“本调解书与判决书具有同等法律效力。”我认为这样写法严格说来是不够确切的,应改为“本调解书送达后,与发生法律效力的判决具有同等效力。”因为调解书与判决书发生法律效力的时间是不同的。调解书是在送达后立即发生法律效力,当事人接到调解书之前可以翻悔,民事诉讼法(试行)第七十条规
Editor’s Comrade: In many civil cases and economic disputes at the end of the mediation statement states: “The mediation of the verdict and the verdict have the same legal effect.” I think this writing strictly speaking is not precise enough, should be replaced by “the mediation When the book is served, it has the same effect as a verdict of legal effect. ”Because the timing of the legal effect of a conciliation statement and judgment is different. A conciliation statement is valid immediately upon service, and may be repealed by the parties before receiving the conciliation statement. Article 70 of the Civil Procedure Law (Trial)