
来源 :中国农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xueyueer001
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发展农业如何靠科技?我们认为要考虑以下两个方面的问题: 第一,要紧紧依靠我国从中央到地方基层广大的农业科研和技术推广队伍,同时也要依靠广大农村的专业技术协会和农民技术员、科技户和专业户。他们都是开展农业科学技术研究和推广应用的主力军,是“科技兴农”的中坚力量和骨干,是发展农业生产力最活跃、最宝贵和具有决定作用的因素。要充分发挥我国农业科技系统的整体功能,就必须把这支农业科技大军的积极性全面调动起来,群策群力,多做贡献。这个整体功能应当包括四个方面:一是科技成果的生产者——农业科研人员,要依靠他们源源不断地提供新成果和新技术的积极性;二是科技成果的转化者——农业科技推广人员, How to develop agriculture depends on science and technology? We think we should consider the following two issues: First, we must rely on our country from the central to local broad grass-roots agricultural research and technology promotion team, but also rely on the majority of rural professional and technical associations and farmers Technicians, technology households and professional households. All of them are the main force in the research, popularization and application of agricultural science and technology and the backbone and backbone of “agriculture through science and technology”. They are the most active, valuable and decisive factors in the development of agricultural productivity. If we are to give full play to the overall function of China’s agricultural science and technology system, we must fully mobilize the enthusiasm of this large force of agricultural science and technology and work together to make more contributions. This overall function should include four aspects: First, the producers of scientific and technological achievements - agricultural researchers, rely on them to provide a steady flow of new achievements and new technologies; Second, the translator of scientific and technological achievements - extension of agricultural science and technology personnel ,
Vertical distributions of void fraction in gas-liquid and gas-liquid-solid stirred tanks have been measured in a fully baffled dished base vessel of 0.48 m diam
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目的证实国外推荐奈韦拉平(nevirapine,NVP)给药方式在中国人群应用的合理性并探讨NVP200 mg 1次/d的给药方式在中国人群中应用的可行性。方法采集530例HIV/AIDS患者基线和随