当你游览了杭州灵山风景区的“灵山幻景”、“清虚洞天”、“仙桥水乐”等扑朔迷离、神奇莫测的洞天世界之后,不妨到灵山脚下的农家小院休憩片刻,热情好客的主人会捧上一杯热气腾腾、风味独特的九曲红梅茶。你慢慢品尝、细细领略,定是饶有情趣的。 九曲红梅简称“九曲红”,也称“九曲乌龙”,源渊于福建武夷山的九曲溪,杭州灵山生产“九曲红梅”已有一百多年的历史。据说太平天国期间,福建武夷山农民
When you visit the Lingshan Mountain Scenic Area in Hangzhou, “Lingshan illusion”, “Qingxuadongtian”, “Xianqiao Water Music” and other complicated and confusing, unpredictable cave after the world, may wish to the mountain at the foot of the farmhouse a short break, hospitable The owner will be holding a cup of steaming, unique flavor of plum tea. You slowly taste, Slender taste, will be interesting. Jiuqu Hongmei referred to as “Jiuquhonghong”, also known as “Jiuqu Oolong”, originates from Jiuqu River in Wuyishan of Fujian Province and has a history of over 100 years in producing “Jiuqu Hongmei” in Lingshan of Hangzhou. It is said that during the Taiping Rebellion, Fujian Wuyishan peasants