《卓有成效的管理者》系列之三 别让决策成为愿景

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“我认为最耗我精力的不是决策本身,而是如何把决策付诸实施。”自去年底“向荣”公司的新战略制定妥当之后,总经理赵甲的日子就没有安生过。新的战略得到了董事会的一致赞同,但在今年初的一系列具体工作中,赵甲总感到实施起来不凑手。“新年刚开始,我不想开许多的会浪费时间, “I think it is not the decision itself that matters most to me, but how to put the decision into action.” Since the new strategy for the company “Xiangrong” at the end of last year has been well established, Zhao Jia, the general manager, has had no easy time. The new strategy was unanimously endorsed by the board of directors, but in a series of specific work earlier this year, Zhao always felt that it was not implemented. "New Year just started, I do not want to open many will waste time,
那一年,我休完产假回到工作岗位,领导让我担任班主任工作。面对领导的期望、家长的企盼,我信心十足,但怎么也没想到,由于个性中的某些不足,我陷入深深的迷茫与痛苦之中。  我带的是小班,班里的事原本就很琐碎,够我忙的。当时我正准备参加市幼儿园教师现场课设计教学大赛,又恰逢幼儿园开展“童话节”活动,我布置“童话节”的环境,制作道具,指导幼儿表演,设计“童话节”活动方案,回家还要看管自己的孩子……忙碌使我处