我们这里无霜期150天以上,选择水肥条件好、耕作精细的园田,实行165厘米(市制5市尺)粮菜套种,以玉米为主,甘蓝提前、大白菜错后,一年三种三收,实践证明这是一种高产高效益的栽培方式,一般情况下,亩产500公斤玉米、3 500公斤甘蓝、7 500公斤大白菜。现将我们的具体做法介绍于下。 3月份:播前整地。选好地块,亩施优质农家肥3 000公斤,人粪尿2 500公斤,饼肥50公斤,过磷酸钙50公斤。深耕20—24厘米,整平地面,按83厘米划线起垄,垄底宽50厘
Here we frost-free period of 150 days or more, choose a good water and fertilizer conditions, finely cultivated garden, the implementation of 165 cm (municipal system 5 feet) grain intercropping, mainly corn, cabbage ahead of the wrong cabbage, three kinds of three Practice has proved that this is a high yield and high efficiency cultivation method. Under normal circumstances, 500 kg of corn, 3 500 kg of cabbage and 7 500 kg of cabbage will be produced per mu. We will now introduce the specific approach below. March: sowing before the site. Selected plots, Mushi high-quality farmyard 3 000 kg, 2 500 kg of human waste, cake fat 50 kg, 50 kg of superphosphate. Plow 20-24 cm, leveling the ground, according to 83 cm scribe Ridge, 50% wide ridge width