中国人寿保险公司四川省分公司在“九.五”时期,抓住改革和发展的历史机遇,坚持高速有效的发展战略,取得了令人瞩目的成就。公司业务收入由1996年的7.6亿元,增加到1999年的22.02亿元,责任准备金由1996年的29.71亿元,增加到42.15亿元,资产总额由29.68亿元,增加到45.43亿元。公司业务总量呈现出逐年增长的良好势态,业务和产品结构步入良性发展的轨道。 “九.五”期间,中国人寿保险公司四川省分公司着重抓好了五个方面的工作,即抓业务发展、结构调整、内部管理、机制转换和精神文明建设。1996年8月31日在国家“九.五”计划实施的第一年里,中国人寿保险公司四川省分公司在原中国
During the period of September 5, 1995, China Life Insurance Company of Sichuan Province took the historic opportunity of reform and development and adhered to the strategy of rapid and effective development and achieved remarkable achievements. The Company’s business income increased from 760 million yuan in 1996 to 2.202 billion yuan in 1999. The reserve for liability increased from 2.97 billion yuan in 1996 to 4,215 million yuan and the total assets increased from 2.968 billion yuan to 4.543 billion yuan. The total business volume showed a good trend of increasing year by year, business and product structure entered a healthy development track. During the “1995.5” period, the Sichuan Branch of China Life Insurance Company focused its efforts in five areas: business development, structural adjustment, internal management, mechanism transformation and spiritual civilization. August 31, 1996 In the first year of the implementation of the National “Nine. Five Plan,” China Life Insurance Company Sichuan Branch in the former China