
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanghuayejuan
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The purpose of this study was to examine basic ocular motor function in individuals with migraine. We used an infrared eye-tracking system to measure horizontal smooth pursuit to a sinusoidal target, saccades to horizontal target displacements of 5-20°, and the stability of fixation in 19 migraine without aura (MoA), 19 migraine with aura (MA) and 19 headache-free control (C) subjects. Eye movement measurements were made at two target displacement rates and against both homogeneous grey and patterned backgrounds. We found no statistically significant differences between migraine and control subjects in any of the eye movement parameters measured, but did find highly significant effects of both target speed and background pattern in all groups. Our results do not provide support for subclinical cerebellar impairment in migraineurs, and do provide evidence that previously described visual abnormalities in migraine are not artefacts of abnormal fixation or eye movements. The purpose of this study was to examine basic ocular motor function in individuals with migraine. We used an infrared eye-tracking system to measure horizontal smooth pursuit to a sinusoidal target, saccades to horizontal target displacements of 5-20 °, and the stability of fixation in 19 migraine without aura (MoA), 19 migraine with aura (MA) and 19 headache-free control (C) subjects. Eye movement measurements were made at two target displacement rates and against both homogeneous gray and patterned backgrounds. We found no statistically significant differences between migraine and control subjects in any of the eye movement parameters measured, but did find highly significant effects of both target speed and background patterns in all groups. Our results do not provide support for subclinical cerebellar impairment in migraineurs, and do provide evidence that previously described visual abnormalities in migraine are not artefacts of abnormal fixation or eye movements.
语文新课标明确指出“写作教学要贴近学生实际,让学生易于动笔,乐于表达,应指导学生关注现实,热爱生活,表达真情实感”。教师在写作教学中不仅要传 The new curriculum stan
背景 : 近年来 ,随着广谱抗生素的应用及危重病人的增多 ,深部真菌日益成为医院内感染的主要病原菌之一。在深部真菌感染中念珠菌感染又占其中的大部分。为了更好的预防和治
芳芳在离家很远的学校上学。一天,妈妈送芳芳去上学,坐上了公交汽车。  这时正是上班高峰,车辆很多,马路上不断地堵车,芳芳心里别提有多急了。  每当堵车的时候,芳芳就问妈妈,一共问了三次,每次问的是同一个问题,可是妈妈回答的却不一样。  芳芳到了学校,把这件事告诉了她的同学敏敏,让敏敏猜猜自己问的是什么问题。  她的同学很快就猜到问的是什么问题了,并说:“你当时心里一定很急,所以才这么问的。”说得芳