数学就像一棵大树,在学习时,我们只要把“根”学好,把基础打牢,即使它长出再多的分枝,也难不倒我们.就像今天课堂上老师讲的一道题,就有多种变式.同学们跟着我去看一看吧.课上,老师先让我们画一条长度为10 cm的线段AB,然后找出线段AB的中点.这可让我犯了愁,怎么找中点呢?老师说不用刻度尺也能找到.如图1,用圆规以点A为圆心,以大于线段AB一半的长度为半径在线段AB的上下各画一段弧线,然后再以相同的半径以点B
Mathematics is like a big tree, and when we learn, we just need to learn the root so that even if it grows more and more branches, it will be hard for us not to fall in. Just like the teacher in the classroom today There are many variants of the students follow me to take a look at class, the teacher first let us draw a length of 10 cm of the line segment AB, and then find the middle of the line segment AB This allows I made a worry, how to find the middle point? The teacher said no scale can be found .As shown in Figure 1, with the compass to point A as the center, with a length greater than the length of the line AB for the radius AB Line, then point B at the same radius