目前全球用户已经经历了SAN建设的起步阶段,很多用户都建立了一些部门级的SAN网路,如何将SAN互联成一个更大的SAN?传统的做法是购买更高端的交换机或导向器产品,而另一思路就是采用路由器互联。“正如IP网络经历了从共享网络(H U B)到交换网络(Switch)再到路由网络(Router)时代
At present, users all over the world have gone through the initial stage of SAN construction. Many users have established some departmental SAN networks and how to interconnect SANs into a larger SAN. The traditional approach is to buy more high-end switch or director products, The other idea is to use router Internet. "Just as IP networks have gone from shared networks (HUBs) to switched networks to the Router era