打造廉洁财政 服务发展大局

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近年来,周宁县财政局领导班子切实落实党风廉政建设主体责任,积极推进具有周宁财政特色的惩防体系建设,为推动周宁财政工作的健康运行提供了有力保证。一是抓责任落实,促进机关高效廉洁。局领导班子带头落实党风廉政建设责任制,以身作则,要求干部职工做到的,自己先做到,形成自上而下层层抓落实的良好氛围。 In recent years, Zhouning County Finance Bureau leadership team earnestly implement the main responsibility for building a clean government, and actively promote the construction of punishment and prevention system with the financial characteristics of Zhou Ning, to promote the healthy operation of Zhou Ning financial work has provided a powerful guarantee. First, grasp the responsibility to implement and promote the organs efficient and clean. Bureau leadership take the lead in implementing the responsibility system of building a clean government and lead by example, requiring cadres and workers to do it themselves, to create a good atmosphere for implementation from top to bottom.
七月流火,点燃了潜藏在人们心头的火红的激情。我和几位老战友迈着坚实的脚步,走进井冈山这片充满光荣和传奇的土地,探寻红色巨流的源头,接受红色的洗礼……  驱车由南向北,来到井冈山下的茨坪。次日早晨,驱车蜿蜒而上五龙潭。这里山势险峻,风景奇秀,沟壑陡峭,终年不断的水流,经由600多米的落差直泻谷底,由上而下分为五段,构成五道气势恢宏的瀑布,奏响五音俱全的轰鸣乐章,在深谷的上空徊荡不息。沿着一级一级的林